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Performing Musician


Branding has typically been associated with visuals (e.g. logos, images, fonts and colours) but as humans we also rely on our other senses, especially sound. In a marketplace that is cluttered with hundreds if not thousands of confusingly similar products and solutions, it becomes imperative to stand out - increase memorability and preference for your brand. The use of sound to trigger a memory, provoke an emotion that customers can associate with a brand without having to see a communication does offer brands a powerful and easy way to remain top-of-mind to their customers.


Aural branding is not something new, however investing in it has either taken a back seat or been seen as something for large companies. In times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, Aural (Sonic) branding can exponentially strengthen brand recognition (as much as if not more than the need for a visual identity of a brand).  

Here are a few examples of well-known brands that have used Aural (Sonic) Branding successfully


Good Branding has the ability to set your company apart. While there may be other companies offering confusingly similar solutions, you owe it to your company and your brand to give it every advantage for market success in a highly competitive environment. Aural (Sonic) Branding offers brands several psychological advantages - It triggers emotions, it gets more attention, it enhances brand recall and Music delivers clearer messages. 

Related Reading: Sonic BrandingMarketing in a pandemic, Leveraging Sonic Branding, Defining your brand’s Tone of Voice, Conducting Successful New Business Prospecting, Making Marketing Budgets Work, Creating an Effective Growth Strategy, How to use Strategy Maps, Harnessing the PLOT Strategy Framework, Saying “No” and still Winning, Creating a Balanced Marketing Mix, Why Customer Centricity is the Soul of Business, How to Growth Your App Downloads, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Marketing, 8 Steps to Entrepreneurship, Marketing Tactics 101, Refocusing for Growth, eMail Marketing 101, Brand Imagery and the 5 senses, The Grandeurs of Viral Marketing, Why focusing on Outcome guarantees Success, Marketing Automation in Marketing Today, Why Typography Matters, The Fabulous World of Colours, Consumer Insights for Growth, The 12 Styles of Creative Copywriting, The 9 Startup Killers, How to craft your Brand Positioning Statement, How to Competitively Price Products for Maximum Profit, How to Rebuild Marketing Momentum, UXUI That Just Works, Marketing Tactics for Growth and Success, How to Define Your Brands Archetype, How to Leverage Affiliate Marketing, How to Work with Influences, Marketing Effectivness Report Free Download, How to Find Your Brand’s Name, Unleashing the Power of Experiential Marketing, How to get Personal Brandign Right, Maximizing PR Opportunities, Defining a Brands Culture, Business Pivot Strategy, Getting to Yes from a No

Trigger Worldwide is a Brand Marketing Agency, built specifically for businesses to create Sustainable Growth. Our proprietary tools and process methodologies harness Technology, Creativity & Innovation, leverage Economic Drivers and Consumer Beliefs to help businesses overcome marketing inefficiencies and achieve their Growth Agendas.



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